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Digital Incubation Services

Idea Validation

Minimize the risk of launching idea into the wrong market

market validation

Is your business idea suitable for the market you chose?

business plan model evaluation

Is your business plan is par with the current business trends?

gtm market strategy support

Meet the industry experts to create the best GTM strategy

company incorporation

Get your idea officially into existence

legal structuring

Know the best structure for your company as per growth

legal documentation

Do you know all the legal documentation required to run the company?

legal agreements and contract drafting

Get the right format for all your legal docs

financial model

Financial Model vs Financial Projections of the company can be crucial during investments

financial analysis

Financial situation & Projections are crucial to catch the investors eye

costing sheets

Costing sheets can show the progress

profit and loss statements

Are your expenses in par with revenue?

validate investment readiness

Is your pitch worth investor’s time?

pitch to investors in wtg network

Get to pitch your deck to the right group of investors

raise investments

Connect with the right investors to raise funds

monetization model

Have you capped all feasible means to generate revenue?

poc development

Develop your POC before implementing your pilot run


For a synergy by structuring based on individual strengths

market analysis

Validate the market to target the right audience

revenue phase support

Get help in meeting your customers and strategic partners

next round investment pitch

Meeting a VC requires a precise pitch deck

pilot phase implementation

Find your first customers to trial your business idea

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